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Since 2003, I've worked at TN – Todo Noticias, the most important news channel in argentine television and in the region, belonging to “Grupo Clarín”.

There, I report and analyze daily political events. I am permanently accredited to the Government of Argentina. I am also a political columnist of the channel.

I joined TN at a very young age, shortly after finishing my undergraduate degree. I started as an assisting producer. Then, I became a formal producer, and by 2007, I transitioned to being a journalist.

My television career related to politics began in 2008 when I was appointed as a permanent correspondent to the National Congress.

Since then, I've dedicated my time and energy to covering political and electoral processes in the country and the region.


Since 2012, I've been hosting one of the editions of “Aire de Noticias”, the news program of Radio Mitre, AM from Grupo Clarín.

Mitre is the most listened and most influential radio station in the country.

“Aire de Noticias” is broadcasted on Sundays from 9 to 11 in the morning. Since 2010, it's been the most listened-to Sunday news program in Argentina.

As on TV, I analyze Argentina's current political, economic, and electoral affairs. I make editorial comments. In each broadcast, I interview leading figures from the public sector, private sector, and third sector.

Aire de Noticias was recently recognized by the Association of Television and Radio Journalists of Argentina (APTRA) with the Martín Fierro Award for "best weekend news program".


As a political journalist, I've reported on and analyzed
Argentina' s main events.

I've covered and analyzed presidential elections both in Argentina and the region.
I've also covered and analyzed provincial elections in all districts of the country.

Except for Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, I've interviewed every president of the democracy (Raúl Alfonsin, Carlos Menem, Fernando De la Rua, Eduardo Duhalde, Néstor Kirchner, Mauricio Macri, and Alberto Fernandez), as well as major figures in politics, the private sector, and the third sector.


I write articles and opinion polítical editorials on TN.com.arthe digital platform of TN – Todo Noticias.

There, I delve deep into analyzing Argentine politics in its processes, leadership, electoral campaigns, elections, and more.

PODCAST: HACER UN PUENTE (Building a Bridge)

It's an invitation for respectful dialogue. In each episode, two top-level leaders from opposing political backgrounds, industries, and social classes sit down together.

Each episode seeks common ground on fundamental issues of Argentina's political, economic, and social life. It also searches for personal similarities, understanding that beyond ideological differences, there's a human realm with more similarities than differences.

The aim is to foster a cultural shift from confrontation to dialogue.


I lecture on politics at Argentina's leading institutions. I offer a political overview based on scientific method and theory and empirical evidence (data).

"Why the divide is a terrible deal for Argentina" is my primary lecture, rooted in my Master's thesis in Politics. It's an invitation to reflect on how Argentina has built its cultural identity with confrontation at its core throughout history. It also examines how this relational approach has been an insurmountable barrier to development.

I was a TED Talks speaker in 2022.


Todo lo que hago está basado en mi formación académica. Siempre vuelvo a la universidad.

Soy profesor titular de cátedra en la Escuela de Gobierno de Universidad Austral, principal universidad de gestión privada de la Argentina y de la Región. Dicto la materia GESTIÓN DE LAS RELACIONES POLÍTICAS en el Máster en Políticas Públicas.

También soy profesor de la Universidad Europea de Madrid (España). Allí dicto clases en el Máster de Comunicación Corporativa y Asuntos Públicos.

Y soy profesor invitado en otras las principales universidades de la Argentina en las carreras de grado relacionadas con el mundo político y comunicacional, así como también en posgrados y maestrías del área.

Soy un apasionado en esto. Disfruto mucho de compartir tiempo e ideas con estudiantes, de quienes aprendo y me nutro.


Based on my Master's thesis in Public Policy, it's a professional proposal for public policy whose goal is the strategic management of relations between the leaders of the public sector, private sector, and third sector.

The purpose: to foster trust that ensures dialogue and basic consensus to produce public policies that ensure and promote development.

The proposal: to promote - "in '' and "from" the public sector - the discipline of managing Public Affairs as a central tool in building bridges between power players.

The book is published by Editorial Galerna and endorsed by the School of Government of the Austral University, Argentina's leading private educational institution, and by the SAAP (Argentine Society for Political Analysis), Argentina's professional circle for Political Science.

The book's prologues were written by Juan Manuel Abal Medina and Andrés Malamud.

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