In politics and communication as essential, indispensable tools for a democratic society in building developed countries and cities.
In humans - people - as the undisputed center of public policies.
In politics as a tool "made of" and "executed by" people. Different people, with various ways of seeing the world. People from different social, political, cultural, economic backgrounds. And, at the same time, equal people. Human beings who are born, live, and die. Who suffer for love, who are passionate about something, who enjoy family and friends, who revel in art, who get frustrated, who laugh, who endure illnesses and so much more.
In dialogue as a Bridge between those who think differently. Dialogue capable of seeking common ground, agreements, consensus that allow creating policies with others that endure over time, regardless of who governs.
In the stability of the rules of the game as a minimum condition that makes a country or a city attractive for private investment.
In private investment as the only engine for upward social mobility, leading to well-being.
In well-being as the foundation of development.
In development as something that goes beyond a simple economic indicator. It's a state in which people can fulfill - both materially and spiritually - their dreams and needs. It's the realization of the dignity of the human person, the central axis of public policies.
In this entire process, the work of a journalist/political analyst is essential to:
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