I study and analyze political processes in Argentina and the region. I do this daily, mainly in mass media, as well as on other digital, academic, and private platforms.

I currently work at the TN (Todo Noticias)news television channel, on its digital platform TN.com.ar and in Radio Mitre. All of these are part of “Grupo Clarín”, the most important media holding here in LaTam.

I am deeply connected to academia as both a student and a teacher.

My professional career is a central part of a life made up of many variables...


I was born in Adrogué, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Most of my family and friends live there, they are the support of my life. I love spending time with the people I love, having a barbecue, enjoying wine…
My father Ricardo is an engineer and my mother Patricia, an educator. They taught me their entrepreneurial and passionate spirit. Their vocation: always pushing forward.

I love traveling the world, especially with my motorcycle.

Since I was young, I've loved making music. I play piano and guitar.
I'm a fan of music in general, regardless of genres, from rock to folklore and tango, through jazz.
But I'm especially a fan of The Beatles and Argentine Rock (Charly García, Fito Páez, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Andrés Calamaro, etc.).


I graduated with a degree in Communication Sciences (University of Buenos Aires - UBA). There I discovered my passion for politics.
I am convinced that humans - people - are at the center of public policies. It's people who, by interacting, even with their differences, reach basic agreements to coexist.

My role as a journalist/political analyst in the media led me to elevate my academic training. Thus, I reached an MPP (Master in Public Policies) at Universidad Austral, with Honors (average 9.16).
Then, I traveled to Spain to pursue a postgraduate degree in political leadership at the Complutense University of Madrid.


I love reading and studying.

I can't imagine professional development, especially for those of us who publicly analyze political and economic processes, without continuous training. I constantly seek to stay updated in Political Science and history readings.

.I am a university professor. In Argentina, usually at Universidad Austral, the leading private academic institution. In Spain, regularly at the European University of Madrid.

My specialty is Public Affairs Management. I believe that the strategic management of relationships between a society's power players is a central tool in creating public policies that stand the test of time, regardless of who governs, thus contributing to overall well-being and development.

I am a curious and extremely extroverted person. I live in constant movement.

Soy una persona curiosa y extremadamente extrovertida.

Vivo en constante movimiento.

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