
“LA GESTIÓN DEL DIÁLOGO” presents a concrete solution to a real problem:Argentina is a country lacking a robust foundation of baseline public policies capable of enduring over time, regardless of the ruling party.

Every four years, the nation reinvents itself with governmental shifts.Every four years, the nation reinvents itself with governmental shifts.
A new government almost entirely undoes the achievements of the preceding one. In Argentina, tax, foreign, pension, social policies, and more are modified every four years. Approaches related to criminal, labor, civil justice, among others, are also altered.

This represents a continuous change in the national rules. The absence of consistent consensus-driven policies that last beyond the term of any particular government results in instability and legal uncertainty. Consequently, Argentina becomes unattractive for private investment. Who is drawn to invest in a country that fails to provide stable operating conditions?

A simple example: consider a manufacturer of product X. “Government A” promotes this sector by reducing taxes, granting subsidies, pushing for encouraging laws in Congress, and fostering specialized worker training centers. Four years later, “Government B” introduces a hefty tax, withdraws the subsidies, and closes the training centers. This harms prior investments and deters further commitment, negatively impacting job retention and discouraging new job creation.

Wouldn't it be better if the rules remained consistent beyond individual governments? The answer is evident.

This habit of continuously changing the rules stems from a confrontational cultural pattern. This pattern has been present since Argentina's journey to independence and the subsequent formation of the Nation-State, enduring throughout the 20th century and persisting today, fueled by global polarization tendencies.

LA GESTIÓN DEL DIÁLOGO (Managing Dialogue) based on my Master's Thesis in Public Policy (Austral University, Argentina) Es una propuesta profesional para gestionar de manera estratégica las relaciones entre los actores de la dirigencia pública, privada y del tercer sector, con el objetivo de construir entre ellos lazos de confianza capaces de generar acuerdos básicos que promuevan políticas consensuadas que trasciendan en el tiempo sin importar quien gobierne.

This implies that the State has the onus to make the initial move. Specifically, the creation of a professional Public Affairs office within the public domain is proposed. This office would manage the relationships between the government and all power actors with the aim of forging solid ties. This would allow each sector to voice their interests and goals, positively influencing public policy creation. This doesn't imply the government relinquishing power; instead, it emphasizes its central role in a diverse public landscape.

While this approach has no precedent in Argentina, successful international instances exist. A notable example is the United Kingdom, an undisputed pioneer in professional Public Affairs management. In London, the government has implemented a Public Affairs policy through a specialized office, managing the relationship with a myriad of stakeholders to reach consensual decisions fostering the city and nation's development. This attracts investments consistently, regardless of the governing party's political hue.

LA GESTIÓN DEL DIÁLOGO” is a public policy proposal aimed at fostering a cultural shift from division to dialogue. International experiences provide unequivocal evidence that nations whose leaders prioritize general well-being over individual differences achieve development. For instance, Spain transitioned from Francoism through the Moncloa Pacts. These pacts, supported by both left and right wings, formed a public policy platform to stabilize the macroeconomy, sustain a 3.5% growth over three decades, and lay the groundwork for joining the European Union. Before these pacts, Spain's GDP per capita was half that of Argentina's. Today, it's three times as large.

Clearly, agreements yield greater results than confrontations.Managing relationships between power players is crucial for their realization.